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DSWG Membership Application
To apply for membership, please download and complete the membership form and contact DSWG.

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COVID 19 Update - The New Norm - DSWG - 20 May 2020.pdf
Information from the May 2020 Webinar with information and updates concerning Covid-19. There is also a video of the webinar which may be viewed with the link below.

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Industry Incident Sharing and Near Miss Record
Current as of May 2024

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Recommended Emergency Drills

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Company Representative Guidelines

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ABS Surface Supplied Diving Requirements of 2016

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ADCI Changes to Medical Requirements of 2016

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Exotic Species Alert: Lionfish (Family Scorpaenidae)
Document with an overview, concerns, description and more about the expanding population of lionfish in the Atlantic and Gulf waters.

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UI Lionfish Symposium Mark Lonsdale Presentation
Presention by Mark Lonsdale at the Lionfish Symposium held at Underwater Intervention 2015 including occurances of Lionfish and information about stings, including treatment.

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UI Lionfish Symposium Tony Alleman Presentation
Presention by Tony Alleman at the Lionfish Symposium held at Underwater Intervention 2015 including pictures identifying several species of venomous fish as well as sting treatments.

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Emergency Response and Procedures

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Vessel Encroachment Presentation

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Hand Jetting for Underwater Excavation.pdf

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US GOM DSWG Hyperbaric Evacuation System Planning - Rev 2

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US GOM DSWG Lift Bag Guidelines

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US GOM DSWG Live Boating Document

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US GOM DSWG Recommended Minimum Dive Team Manning

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US GOM DSWG Underwater Burning Guidelines

